Tartan Careers - A career development initiative for student-athletes. Carrie Stewart Volleyball.
Headshot of Carrie

Tartan Careers - Carrie Stewart

Sport: Volleyball

Class Year 20-21: Junior

Major: Business Administration and Decision Science

Bio: See Carrie's athletic bio

Internship Year, Title, and Company
Summer 2020, Finance Intern at eBay

Application process: Interviewed in October from a referral, got the offer 4 days later and had 2 weeks to decide

Why did this internship interest you: I am passionate about eBay's mission of creating economic opportunity for all and wanted to further develop my finance skills.

How did you complete the internship - remotely or on-site: Remotely.

Description of internship: I worked on the corporate development team, 40 hours a week. My project was seeking out a potential acquisition in the parts and accessories industry. I also participated in intern bonding events with the other 99 Interns.

How it could have been different if not remote: If I was on site it would have been easier to ask my boss questions, connect with my co-workers, and understand the company culture

How did this internship shape your next move: I have decided I do not want to work in finance and will focus more on marketing.