Tartan Careers - A career development initiative for student-athletes. Oliver Lance Men's Swimmingl.
Headshot of Oliver

Tartan Careers - Oliver Lance

Sport: Men's Swimming and Diving

Class Year 20-21: Sophomore

Major: Information Systems

Bio: See Oliver's athletic bio

Internship Year, Title, and Company
Summer 2020, STEP Intern, Google

Application process: I had applied in September of 2019 and they informed me I had been selected for interviews in December 2019. Then I had two interviews in January 2020 and they informed me that I got the internship 2 weeks after that, in February 2020. I accepted shortly after.

Why did this internship interest you: This internship interested me because it was tailored towards freshman and sophomore students and I wanted to get experience working in Software Development.

How did you complete the internship - remotely or on-site: The internship was completely remote.

Description of internship: During the internship, I worked on Web Development (the tasks changed when we were moved remotely). The first 5 weeks, I worked on my own Portfolio Website. Then for the remaining 7 weeks, I worked in a Pod of two other people and we developed a Cookie Recipe Website. We were tasked with "organizing the world's information" and could create any website we wanted around this. I worked 40 hour weeks and worked overtime many weeks.

How it could have been different if not remote: The experience would have been very different if I was on site. My tasks would have been different in that I would have been working on an actual Google team in Chicago. I would have had access to much more and been able to make many more connections. However, I am still so happy with my experience .

How did this internship shape your next move: I hope to hear back soon about returning. I hope to get another internship with Google. However, I am still
applying to other internships.