2020 Fall Sports Update From Director of Athletics Josh Centor

2020 Fall Sports Update From Director of Athletics Josh Centor

The following letter was sent to Carnegie Mellon student-athletes from Director of Athletics Josh Centor regarding the university’s plans for intercollegiate athletics this fall.

Dear Tartans,

I hope this note finds you and your loved ones safe and well.

Over the past few days, you have received communications from Provost Garrett and Vice President Casalegno that have shared critical information about Carnegie Mellon’s plans for the fall. As you know, classes will begin on August 31 and we are actively planning a hybrid model of teaching and learning. Additionally, our athletics department is making preparations for the return of intercollegiate athletics this fall.

The health and safety of our students, staff and community members are at the forefront of every decision we make and will guide the policies and procedures we put in place. I have convened a Return to Play Task Force that includes team physicians, and we are putting together step-by-step procedures for how our programs will be able to operate. Head coaches will work hand-in-hand with the Return to Play Task Force to ensure we are accounting for sport-specific needs to run each program. Additionally, we have been working with leaders from the NCAA, University Athletic Association and Presidents’ Athletic Conference throughout the summer.

The coming seasons will not look the same as seasons’ past. As we work through the rapidly evolving guidance, we are not yet certain of all of the details, but we are committed to providing as competitive and comprehensive a student-athlete experience as possible.

As we develop and finalize our intercollegiate athletics plans for the fall, I will communicate those with you directly. I know you all are eager to know when we will begin fall preseason and when you can get back to competition, and we are working daily on our policies and procedures so that you can be back doing what you love to do.

Stay healthy, safe and take care of one another.


For up-to-date coronavirus information from the university, please visit Carnegie Mellon’s Coronavirus alert webpage.