Former Men's Basketball Student Manager, Dantes Rameau, was featured on Season Premiere of “Knock Knock Live"

Former Men's Basketball Student Manager, Dantes Rameau, was featured on Season Premiere of “Knock Knock Live"

Dantes Rameau, a former men’s basketball manager for the Tartans, was recently featured on the season premiere of the new unscripted show Knock Knock Live hosted by Ryan Seacrest and featuring special celebrity guest Common.  In 2009, Rameau completed a Performance Certificate at Carnegie Mellon University.

Upon his graduation, Rameau co-founded the Atlanta Music Project and currently is the Executive Director of the project.  The Atlanta Music Project provides intensive, tuition-free music education to underserved youth right in their neighborhood. As executive director of the Atlanta Music Project, Rameau has raised over 1.3 million dollars for the organization and has grown programming to 200 students, 25 teaching artists, and four sites.

“I have watched Dantes’ development of the Atlanta Music Project with great interest and great pride,” head men’s basketball coach Tony Wingen said. “This recognition is just another testimony to his fantastic work.  This is just tremendous!”

Rameau earned a Bachelor of Music in bassoon performance from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and received a Master of Music in bassoon performance from the Yale University School of Music in 2007 before attending Carnegie Mellon.

For the complete release on Dantes’ experience with the show click here.