Joshua Kimball

Class Year: 2001

Major: Computer Information Software Systems and Economics

Sport: Football

Term of Service: 2025


Joshua Kimball currently leads Data Architecture and Data Science at Calendly, Atlanta's newest startup "unicorn." Prior to this, he was the Chief Data Scientist at an Atlanta-based advertising technology startup, He completed his PhD and Masters in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. His research lies at the intersection of Database Theory and Systems with an emphasis on data management and machine learning techniques.

Prior to his graduate work at Georgia Tech, he built financial derivative processing systems at Bank of New York Mellon and implemented classroom data management platforms for Teach For America. He completed his undergraduate studies at Carnegie Mellon University.

His wife, Dena, and two girls, Nadia and Nessa, reside in Inman Park in Atlanta, GA. He loves spending time outdoors with his family, trying new restaurants and (of course) over-caffeinating himself at his favorite coffee shops. He serves on the boards of the Arthur Blank Family Foundation and STEAM Truck.