How to use the Synergy 360

This is your how-to guide to the weight room's highly versatile piece of equipment, the Synergy 360.

Below are HOW-TO videos for using the Synergy 360, be sure to check out the description of each video for a more in depth form breakdown.
You can find the descriptions by clicking on the title to each video.

Bulgarian Split Squat on Platform
Incline and Decline Pushups on Platform
Step-Ups on Platform

Box Jump onto Platform
Battle Ropes on Synergy 360
Pullup Variations on Synergy 360

TRX Inverted Rows
Dips on the Synergy 360
Leg Raises on the Synergy 360

TRX Assisted Squats
TRX Tricep Extensions
TRX Bicep Curls

Landmine Chest Press
Landmine Ab Twist