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Short Feature with Men's Cross Country Freshman Nicolas Motta

Short Feature with Men's Cross Country Freshman Nicolas Motta

Freshman Nicolas Motta, an electrical and computer engineering major from Houston, Texas, answers a few questions about student life at Carnegie Mellon, what he's excited for this semester, why he chose his major, and what he likes about Pittsburgh.

1. What do you enjoy about campus life?

What I enjoy the most about campus is going to Schatz with my teammates. Food is great and so is the atmosphere.

2. What are you excited about this semester?

I am very excited about taking my first programming class at CMU, 15-112. Also I am excited for outdoor track and spring carnival

3. Why did you select your course of study – what has been a favorite class?

I selected engineering because I always liked physics and math in high school. Also, when I was younger I enjoyed legos and minecraft which really got me to become a creative thinker. I chose ECE, because I really like arduinos and working with computer hardware, and hacking.

4. What class would you recommend someone take?

I definitely recommend people to take 15-112. It's a lot of handwork but worth it.

5. What have you enjoyed about living in Pittsburgh?

Frick and Schenley, two best places to run!